Sands New Zealand Pamphlets
The following brochures are available as PDFs. Please click on the titles below to open.

The Next Few Days
Making Memories, Autopsy, Funeral Preperations, Legal and Medical Issues... so much happens that is you may not think of after your baby dies. This pamphlet will help you be a little more prepared.
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Your Baby's Funeral
Legal requirements, Cremation or Burial, Support, Expenses and more is convered in this helpful brochure. Some of your questions may be answered here.
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Fathers Grieve Too
Most of the time, fathers are neglected grievers. Though society has become more aware of grief, people still aren’t sure how to respond to a man’s feelings....
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When a Brother or Sister Dies
This leaflet is intended as a guide to some of the reactions your child/ren may experience as they grieve and to offer some help in the ways you can best support them.
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The Loss of a Grandchild
When a grandchild dies, you have to cope with a double load – your own grief for the baby and the suffering of your own child.
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Transporting your Baby
You may wish to take your baby in your car from the hospital to your home, to the funeral directors, or to the crematorium or cemetery. This pamphlet will give you all the information on transporting baby.
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Early Loss
A little life, Not a little loss. An early loss of a pregnancy is one of the most difficult times that a family can experience. This pamphlet is full of information that may help you through this time
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A Heartbreaking Choice
Deciding what to do will possibly be one of the biggest decisions you will have to make during your lifetime. This brochure will help you with some gentle information at this hard time.
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Post Mortem
This booklet has been written to give parents clear information about a post mortem, its potential value and to help you understand the reasons for undertaking such an examination and what it involves.
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Stillbirth: The Basics for parents, families and the community
This article gives a layman’s overview of stillbirth which addresses some of the key choices parents should have when their baby dies. From creating memories to autopsy and funeral, the importance of saying hello before saying goodbye is emphasized.
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