The 2019-2021 Sands New Zealand Board members are listed below.
If you wish to email all the board members at once please send an email to
To email the individual person please click on their name

Melanie Tarrant
My name is Melanie and I am the co-ordinator for Sands Hokitika/Greymouth. I became involved in Sands when my daughter Kate died just before 20 weeks in 2011 and my son Zac died in 2012 at 27 weeks. I have also lost two babies through miscarriage.

Tania Cornwall
Hi, I'm Tania and the Coordinator of Sands Auckland Central. I joined Sands in 2008 after my first child Mia was stillborn at 31 weeks. Later that year I lost another baby to miscarriage. I have since gone on to have 2 successful pregnancies resulting in our delightful daughters. I have been honoured and privileged to support families throughout Auckland.

Janet Williams
Hi, I am Janet. I am part of Sands Waikato and have been the treasurer of Sands NZ for the past 10 years for which I received the honor of a Life Membership in 2015.

Amie Whenuaroa
Training & Resources Coordinator
Hi, I am Amie. I have been a part of Sands Waikato since my loved baby Noelle passed away. I look forward to fulfilling my role as Training and Resource Coordinator and being there for all the Sands Groups nationwide.

Amy Blance
Board Member
Hi, I'm Amy and am on the Sands Hawke's Bay Committee. I joined Sands in 2015 after my third child Addylin passed away at 7months old. I feel grateful to be given the opportunity to now support others at both a regional and national level.

Paula Stok
Board Member
Hi, I'm Paula and I am the coordinator for Sands Hawke's Bay.
I joined Sands in 2016 after my 3rd child, my 2nd son was stillborn at 36 weeks.
I look forward to the contributions I will bring to Sands New Zealand

Sara Lane
Board Member
Hi there, I'm Sara and the secretary for Sands Auckland. I came to Sands in October 2007 after my first son was stillborn at 21 weeks. I feel compelled to help other families receive the great support that I did, and am grateful to be given the opportunity to help Sands on a national level.