Products and Services

Glover Memorials
Since 2005 Glover Memorials in Lower Hutt has offered Sands families the opportunity to remember their precious baby or babies through a small plaque that is made and sent out free of charge. This is a way of supporting the community and a way of acknowledging our babies' little lives. See the 'Community Care' page on the Glover Memorial website for more info.

Cremation Jewellery
from My Angel
Created by a Sands mum in 2011, My Angel specialises in Cremation or Keepsake Jewellery. This is a great way to keep your baby's memory close to your heart - it is not only beautiful but has so much meaning for the wearer! Treasured memories will remain close to your heart forever. My Angel offers a discount to Sands members.

Huggable Hearts
Huggable Hearts is a FREE service that provides grieving families who have lost a baby with a fabric heart made to their angels birth weight.

Ashes Boxes
from Fidds Workshop
Glen Withers is a very talented carpenter who owns and operates Fidds Workshop, a small business in Ashhurst. Glen lovingly creates beautiful wooden ashes boxes and has offered to provide these free of charge to parents including free postage (conditions apply). To order go to and place a request.